
What are Items?


Items are how we store your data in MY8, in the form of a "KEY / VALUE PAIR". Each ITEM of information, such as your date of birth or the town where you live, is stored as a KEY ("My Date Of Birth") that describes the Item, and the VALUE ("01/01/1970"). Here's some of SHERLOCK's Items:

Screenshot of part of SHERLOCK's Item list'
Partial image of SHERLOCK's Items; note that these Items are provided during registration and are OWNED by the system (GUARDIAN is a system account) and can't be deleted, but SHERLOCK can change the Value

Items can have more than one VALUE; the most recently added Value is regarded as the DEFAULT VALUE (denoted by the "D:" in the image). There's also a SUB CODE which is used to identify the Item. Unlike Containers, you can't directly link to a single Item, it can only be shared within a Container.

Go to the ITEM DETAIL page to add a new or additional Value.

Item Types

Items have a TYPE as shown in the image above, which describes the type of data. You set the Type when you create an Item. The default Type is TEXT and when a Container with this Item is accessed, the Value of the item is just displayed as text. In the image above, the bottom two items have a Type of SEX and DATE.

If you create an Item with a TYPE of SEX, the Value field will generate a standard list of Sexes to choose from, rather than letting you type in freehand. Creating an Item with a DATE type is shown below; you can see the value field shows a DatePicker to help you enter a valid DATE.

Screenshot of creating an ITEM with a DATE TYPE
Creating an ITEM with a DATE TYPE - choosing the correct Type for an Item Value helps ensure that your data is accurate, or is presented in a way that aids the viewer.

TEXT is the default and shows you a Text box to type the Value into, but here's a full list of the other Typesavailable:

  • CONTACT - shows a list of your Contacts to select a MY8 user from
  • COUNTRY - shows a standard list of the World's Countries to select a Value from
  • DATE - shows a Datepicker dropdown for you to select a date from
  • FILE - shows a list of the Files that you have uploaded to MY8 to select a File from
  • URL - shows a Text box for you to type a URL (website address) into - When displayed, the URL is shown as a clickable link.
    please note that the URL Type does not check that the URL entered by you is valid
  • SEX - displays a standard list of Sexes to choose from

Once an Item has been created and its Type has been set, it cannot be changed.

Mapping Items, setting Access Level and Value

Items are mapped to Containers; you map an Item to a Container on the ITEM DETAIL page. When you map an Item to a Container you can set the Item's ACCESSIBILTY in the Container; the default value is HIDDEN.

Go to the CONTAINER DETAIL page and select the Item from the list of Items mapped to the Container at the bottom of the page. Use the Arrow on the left of the ITEM to drop down the details panel; here you can set the ACCESSIBILTY for the ITEM, and the Value to use (the latest Value Added is the Default).

Screenshot of part of one of SHERLOCK's Containers Mapped Itesm list
Partial image of the Mapped Items in one of SHERLOCK's Containers






MY8.IO is a platform for securely storing your personal data and you can choose to share that data with someone, anyone or no-one. YOU control who has access to your data.

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