Privacy Notice

updated: 6th December 2023
What data do we collect?

We ask you to provide the following data as part of the registration process for an account to use MY8:

  • Your full name as it appears on your birth certificate
  • Your current full name as it appears on official documents, such as a passport or driving licence
  • Any other name that you are known by
  • Your date and place of birth
  • Your assigned sex as recorded at birth
  • Your current gender identity
  • Your current residential address
How do we collect your data

All personal data that you provide is entered by you, through the user interface of the website. No personal data is collected in any other way. This is primarily through the Registration process.

How will we use your data?

We do not and will not sell / share / give away or otherwise analyse your data in any way. We do not track or store your IP address. Your data is held solely for YOUR use, and MY8's sole purpose is to enable to store and share your data securely with any person or organisation you wish.

We may use your personal registered data to help proper authority to identify you quickly in certain circumstances:

  • in the event of your death
  • in the event of a medical emergency where you are incapacitated and unable to communicate
  • when required to do so through Warrant or Court direction

We also store anonymised data about you to help with us with statistics and localisation. This data contains only the following information:

  • Your Year of Birth
  • Your approximate place of residence
  • Your current Sex / Gender Identity
How do we store your data?

We store your data in a data centre, in a location that corresponds to your current country of residence, or in a data centre in a location specified by you.

Your data is encrypted using the strongest available algorithms, before being stored on the hardware in the data centre. This hardware also has hardware based encryption.

We'll keep your personal data for as long as you maintain your MY8 account. If you close your MY8 account, we will delete your data. Accounts cannot be recovered or restored once deleted

We do NOT automatically delete your data upon your death. We believe that your data deserves the same protections after your death as it does before. We also believe that being able to inform friends, relatives, contacts and organisations that you do business with, of your passing, is vital to help protect the interests of your estate and your loved ones.


We will not use your data for marketing purposes

What are your rights?

You may cancel your MY8 account and delete your data at any time.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files stored on a user's computer or mobile device. Cookies may retain log-in information, save preferences, and even direct users to the spot where they last browsed.

What types of cookies do we use?

We only use necessary cookies to make our site work - these tell us whether you are logged in or not

We DO NOT USE or allow any other organisation to use analytics tracking to measure your use of the site

We DO NOT USE marketing cookies

How to manage your cookies

You may delete any MY8 cookies at any time.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

From time to time, we may make changes to this notice - we will post theses changes here and may send you a message through your MY8 account to inform you of the changes

How to contact us

Send an email to

Send a message to any of the site admins through their default Containers

Resources you may find helpful

MY8.IO is a platform for securely storing your personal data and you can choose to share that data with someone, anyone or no-one. YOU control who has access to your data.

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