Item Values

An Item can have more than one Value

Items are the data that you store and share through Containers.

When you create an Item, you give it a Value. However, it can be that an Item might need to have more than one Value. If that's the case, we've got you covered!

SHERLOCK has created a new Item for his dog; as you can see, when you create an Item you supply a NAME and a VALUE: Here's the new ITEM.

a newly created Item
A newly created ITEM for SHERLOCK's dog

Here's how that Value looks in the VALUES section on the Item Detail Page

the default value
The single Value set when the Item was created

Like all good pedigree dogs, SHERLOCK's dog has a pedigree name as well as his familiar name. SHERLOCK can now add the familiar name as a second value.

adding a second value
A second value is added and becomes the DEFAULT VALUE - the newest Value is always the DEFAULT. The original Value is not in use in any Containers, so can be safely deleted.

Setting the Value that is displayed in a Container

As the Item "My Hound's Name" can be mapped to more than one Container, it is now possible to show a different Value in each Container. Select the Detail page for the Container, and set the Value to be displayed in the MAPPED ITEM details:

select the value you want to display when the Item is mapped to this Container
Choose which Value you want to use for the Item in this Container


Creating Items



Mapping Items to Containers

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